This project provides a suite of open source XML tools for information modeling and transformation. The Xmodel Project Page provides recent releases and access to the source code via CVS.
Styler is a general purpose XML transformation framework. It can run as an task in the Apache Ant build tool. It can also run from the command line.
Styler can handle multiple transformations, in parallel or pipelined. It allows transformations that split or merge files. It processes non-XML files, especially HTML (based on JTidy). It can apply non-XSLT transformation, especially "regular fragmentations". And it can use any custom XMLReader or XMLFilter class to handle new file formats and transformation techniques.
Xpetal translates Rational Petal files toXML schema, RDF and HTML. This answers a need for an open source tool that can liberate schema is locked up in petal files. In the future we may extend this tool to deal with other sources of model information such as XMI. Xpetal is based on Styler.
Xpetal is used by an industry group that is defining an open RDF schema for power system model data and XML schema for message definitions.
CIMValidate validates RDF models against their schema. It is adapted for power system models and can handle very large input files. CIMValidate is based on the Stanford RDF API tools.
The manual page and other instructions are here.